Corporal “Iron Sights”
Son of Captain Demi War God his main enjoyment is annoying the Captain. This young and fast moving professional is to be feared, once in his sights your fait is sealed and our enemies have learnt this lesson the hard way………..
Corporal “Ace”
Small and nimble is a deadly force on the field. Prone to creep slowly and hide.
Main enjoyment is running in like a maniac or tacking out a squad in style.
Corporal “One Shot”
Born in the “Noughties” this has provided a youth based approach. His “one shot, one kill” has been tried and tested and our enemies cower when this force of nature appears on the game pitch.
Corporal “Redeemer”
Our enemies fear his presence on the battle field, for every fallen companion the “Redeemer” will avenge them. Bourne as a millennial he has energy, spirt and most important no fear of BB’s. He will run into battle and distract the enemy long enough for revenge to be severed ……………
Corporal “Chilled”
This soldier is as cool as a cucumber at the north pool in a freezer, buried in ICE. But do not let this charm exterior fool you, when it comes to our emeries he prefers to put them on ice permanently!!!! be warned if you feel his chill, its already too late for you…………………..